This Farmer Just Wanted to Defend His Private Property

Published on December 25, 2019

It Used to Be a Quiet and Peaceful Village

The hamlet of Jakuševac was originally part of an area controlled by the Romans. It has since been part of several different empires and civilizations. Zagreb has long been the largest city in the vicinity, and when Croatia became an independent nation, the town became part of the city of Zagreb, instead of being its own township any longer. Locals were angered by this for a number of reasons.

It Used To Be A Quiet And Peaceful Village

It Used To Be A Quiet And Peaceful Village

It is a Matter of Respect

Since Bedekovic’s property is massive, people thought there would not really be any problem with their leaving their cars on it for a few hours while they went to the local flea market. This does make sense, but it is also an act of disrespect to the farmer to do so without even asking for his permission first. How would you like it if somebody just parked their car on your lawn or driveway because it was convenient to them?

It Is A Matter Of Respect

It Is A Matter Of Respect