These Trees Will Cause Issues If Planted In The Backyard

Published on July 5, 2023

Eastern White Pines

As you might be able to surmise from the name, Eastern white pines grow pine cones. They’re often used for generating privacy and preventing wind, but their sticky sap can be problematic. The sap can ruin car paint, clothes, and much more. They’re often used as Christmas trees, but their sap is truly not worth the hassle.

Eastern White Pines

Eastern White Pines

Catalpa Trees

Catalpa trees grow stunning flowers that look a bit like orchids, and are likely the main reason people want to grow them in their yards. These trees can grow up to 60 feet tall. However, when their leaves die, they don’t go through the beautiful colors we associate with foliage, and instead they wither and blacken before falling off. While the trees are in bloom during spring and summer, the rest of the year they require serious maintenance.