This Farmer Just Wanted to Defend His Private Property

Published on December 25, 2019

This is What Happens When You Disrespect Someone Doing Their Job 

Being a living statue seems like a really tricky job. You have to stand still all day, and people come up to you and get in your face to disturb you! People who work as living statues must have to practice for years and years in order to be able to stand motionless for hours at a time without moving at all. This woman started poking and shoving a living statue that she saw on the street, and she ended up getting just what she deserved in returned.

The Cold Hand Of Justice

The Cold Hand Of Justice

This Lazy Son Got Shown Up By His Girlfriend 

It’s so common that when two or more people give someone a gift, only one person in the group has actually put any effort into finding the gift. Usually everybody just chips some money in, and then one person has to actually find and purchase the gift and prepare it for the person who will receive it. This guy asked his girlfriend to buy a card for his mom’s birthday, and she got the perfect thing!

This Lazy Son Got Shown Up By His Girlfriend

This Lazy Son Got Shown Up By His Girlfriend