This Farmer Just Wanted to Defend His Private Property

Published on December 25, 2019

Another Day, Another Terrible Parker!

Here is a picture of another person who has zero idea of how a car should be parked. In this case, it was actually a problem for the garbage men who were there to do their job! People should be more aware of their surroundings and consider how their behavior will impact others. These garbage men decided to do something to teach this terrible parker a thing or two about inconveniencing others…

Another Day, Another Terrible Parker

Another Day, Another Terrible Parker

Now You Know What it’s Like

The garbagemen did what anybody should have done in that situation- they repaid the terrible parker and then some! While they were able to get to the garbage bins, it took much longer than it should have because of the ridiculous parking of this person. It would have taken the parker much longer to get to his car than usual, because it was suddenly surrounded by garbage bins. Justice is sweet!

Now You Know What It's Like

Now You Know What It’s Like