This Farmer Just Wanted to Defend His Private Property

Published on December 25, 2019

A Mane is a Precious Thing!

This horse’s mane looks really beautiful in plaits like this. However, not all horses like their manes being braided or played with. Imagine if something was tugging at your hair all day long, and you couldn’t do anything to stop it- that is probably what it feels like. This horse was braided by its owner, and decided that it would get some payback for having such an annoying hairstyle…

It Looks Nice, But Braiding Really Bothers Some Horses

It Looks Nice, But Braiding Really Bothers Some Horses

She Gave Her Owner Some Nice Wet Shoes

As a way of saying thanks for the braids, the horse took a drink of water from this trough and went and spat it into her owner’s shoes! It’s easy to imagine the horse thinking that that would be a nice way to show her owner that she did NOT want her mane braided again. Horses obviously can’t talk to people, so they have to find some other way to express themselves. Her owner must have got the message loud and clear!

I Am Not A Toy!

I Am Not A Toy!