This Farmer Just Wanted to Defend His Private Property

Published on December 25, 2019

Potty Mouth Got His Just Desserts

This man was on a work site and asked another man on the site to move the porta potty that he had placed there. He told he man to ‘f*** off,’ and so the man in the truck decided to teach him a lesson about manners. He blocked off the door to the porta potty with his crane, and decided not to move it until the man apologized for being so rude. Seems like a pretty memorable lesson!

Potty Mouth Gets What He Deserves

Potty Mouth Gets What He Deserves

Some People Seriously Need Parking Lessons

Is there anything more annoying than when somebody at the parking lot takes up way more space than they need, just because they don’t park their car properly? This happened at a lot in China, and some bus drivers obviously decided to teach the driver a thing or two about properly using a public space. Once the driver actually managed to reach his car, hopefully he decided to take some lessons!

They Taught Him A Thing Or Two About Parking

They Taught Him A Thing Or Two About Parking