The Tell-Tale Signs That You Were In The Military

Published on January 30, 2019

Double Honk

Certain seemingly routine or everyday doings may not be given any thought at all. For example, when civilians honk their car horns, they tend to focus more on what is frustrating them rather than how they’re honking. In the military, you must honk twice to indicate you are backing up. This is to ensure safety. A solider who hears a double-horn may immediately look around to see who’s backing up.

Double Honk

Double Honk

Respect The Flag

As previously mentioned, respect is one of the most important values in the military. One of the forms this materializes in is standing up in the presence of a United States flag. From day one of basic training, the fact that the flag is the embodiment of the country is completely drilled into their heads. Saluting is also common, but not always necessary.

Respect The Flag

Respect The Flag