Saudi Arabia: Pictures And Facts That Will Open Your Eyes

Published on March 12, 2018

Modesty Police

Saudi police know how to handle all kinds of criminals, but what do they do for religious offenders? Well they have a special unit set up for these specific crimes. The “Committee for the Preservation of Virtue and for the Prevention of Vice” AKA the “Mutaween” ensures that tourists and locals dress and act appropriately.

Modesty Police

Modesty Police

The Name Of Saudi Arabia

King Abdul Aziz bin Rahman Al Saud, or Ibn Saud, Saudi Arabia is the reason for Saudi Arabia’s name. In 1932 he claimed independence for Saudi Arabia and crowned himself as king. He had 17 different wives, fathered 44 known sons — 35 of which were still alive after he died in 1953 — and an unknown number of daughters.

The Name Of Saudi Arabia

The Name Of Saudi Arabia