Movie Lines That Were Never Meant For The Final Cut

Published on August 16, 2020

Thor: The Dark World

Remember in Thor: The Dark World when actor Chris Hemsworth as Thor walks into the apartment and hangs up his hammer on the coat hook? Yeah, that was never in the script. However, director Alan Taylor realized what a classic moment this was and how perfect it fit the character. They re-shot the scene again just for the film, so there you have it! Now, we all get to enjoy Chris Hemsworth’s sharp sense of humor.

Thor The Dark World

Thor: The Dark World


During the scene in Inception when Tom Hardy as Eames talks with Joseph Gordon-Levitt’s character, Arthur, and whips out an enormous firearm, Hardy added a bit of his own touch. The line in the script read without ‘darling’, but Hardy slipped. Hardy delivered the famous line as, “You mustn’t be afraid to dream a little bigger, darling,” and everyone loved his addition.

