Movie Lines That Were Never Meant For The Final Cut

Published on August 16, 2020


Often, fans can be disappointed when a sequel doesn’t live up to the hype of the first film. However, Aliens did not disappoint their fans with their sequel. Some even say that the second is better than the original. Starring the amazing Sigourney Weaver alongside Bill Paxton as Private Hudson, the film had more unscripted lines than you probably realized! Actually that famous line, “Game over, man! Game over!” is improvised. No wonder Paxton’s performance won him a Saturn Award.




With Bill Murray and Dustin Hoffman, this 1980’s comedy was destined for success. Alright, Hoffman is obviously the film’s star, but Bill Murray was incredible as the roommate, Jeff. Since director Sydney Pollack knew Murray was outstanding at improvisation, he asked the actor to make up a monologue for the party scene. What came from Murray as a result was pure gold! On top of it all, the whole cast was caught off guard and had no clue where he would go with it!

