The Mysterious Life Of Hollywood Star Robert Wagner

Published on August 23, 2023

Did They Fight?

However, the night was far from over. Davern said that after those two left, he continued drinking with Wagner, and that after Wagner went to go check on Natalie, Davern heard “a fight as he’d never heard before.” The couple began screaming at one another and throwing things. Davern said that he did hear the dinghy being untied, and that when he went to look, he saw Wagner by the swim steps, and that he looked “tousled and sweating…as if he’d been in a fight.” Not thinking too much about it, Davern and Wagner kept drinking, and that they went to go check on Wood again, she was nowhere to be found. That is when Davern noticed the dinghy was missing.

Did They Fight?

Did They Fight?

Delaying The Search

At about 1:30am, Wagner and Davern decided to raise the alarm about the missing actress. Davern also suggested searching the waters with floodlights, and searching for her, but for some reason, Wagner said he didn’t want any nearby boaters to know that anything was wrong and shut down these ideas. For 40 years, the mystery languished.

Delaying The Search

Delaying The Search