Hollywood Producers Absolutely Missed The Mark With These Casting Choices

Published on September 8, 2022

Emma Stone as Allison Ng – Aloha

While Emma Stone is a great actress, this was almost universally accepted as a huge misstep when it comes to casting. She played Air Force Pilot Allison Ng in Aloha. The main issue was the fact that there was no reason to cast an Asian or Pacific Island native. One critic said: “…in a movie that already starred Bradley Cooper, Rachel McAdams, Bill Murray, and Alec Baldwin, would it have been so hard to shine the spotlight on an actor with Asian or Pacific Island ancestry?”

Emma Stone as Allison Ng - Aloha

Emma Stone as Allison Ng – Aloha

Ed Skrein as Major Ben Daimio – Hellboy

When it was initially announced that Ed Skrein would be playing the role of Major Ben Daimio in the Hellboy remake, people were absolutely up in arms about the fact that a white actor was cast to play a Japanese-American character. Ultimately, Skrein dropped out of the role saying that it was “the right thing to do and the only thing to do.”

Ed Skrein As Major Ben Daimio Hellboy

Ed Skrein As Major Ben Daimio Hellboy