These Hilarious Kids’ Drawings Give Away A Little Bit Too Much About Their Parents

Published on March 13, 2023

Doesn’t Understand This Day

It seems fairly clear that this child was waiting for Father and Son day in order to spend quality time with dad. We all know how important that is, except for maybe this dad, who it seems is too busy sleeping in. The son wrote his father a reminder that this is the day for spending quality time together, not for sleeping in. We hope that he got his fun day with dad in the end.

Doesn't Understand This Day

Doesn’t Understand This Day

Dad’s Friend

In this drawing, this boy drew a picture of his father and dad’s friend, who he wrote: “sometimes dad has his friend over. That’s when I have fun because they go in his room and I can do whatever I want. I can even eat candy!” and he even included a picture of himself enjoying some ice cream. This kid is not tough to please, and it seems like dad can get his way by giving his son ice cream and candy.

Dad's Friend

Dad’s Friend