These Hilarious Kids’ Drawings Give Away A Little Bit Too Much About Their Parents

Published on March 13, 2023

Regular Mom, Cool Dad

Once again, the truth can be painfully hard to see, especially when it comes directly from your child. This kid chose to write: “I think my dad is the most interesting person I know. It was easy to pick my dad over my mom because she’s like a regular mom.” We wonder what this kid’s dad’s job is that made him feel so strongly that his mom is so regular.

Regular Mom, Cool Dad

Regular Mom, Cool Dad

Stale Cheetos

We know that a lot of children in the U.S. are not getting adequate nutrition, both at home and at school. When this child was asked to write about what they did at school on Tuesday, they wrote that they “ate stale Cheetos,” but also “played math games.” Later on they also wrote that they learned about oils spills and worked on contractions. At least it seems like this child is getting a well rounded education, but they definitely need better meals.

Stale Cheetos

Stale Cheetos