Family Dog Withholds Baby, Then Mom Sees Surprising Reason Why

Published on August 21, 2018

Speeding For Life

As Catherine pressed on the pedal, she glanced over at her new dog. She hoped she could live up to her promise to give this rescue a new life. Again, she thought how he sacrificed himself for her sweet baby. These racing thoughts and the worry of life or death led to a bit of slightly reckless driving. Later on, Catherine commented, “I never knew I was able to drive this well. I guess adrenaline does its thing.”

Speeding For Life

Speeding For Life

Urgent Medical Care

After her somewhat reckless time on the road, they reached the vet. Catherine jumped out and ran in with Khan. There was no time for signing in or waiting in this situation. Catherine yelled for anti-venom and help for Khan. She was in the right place. Sure enough, vets ran over and rushed Khan away. It was obvious the dog was in critical condition, and they knew removing the toxins from Khan’s body was top priority.

Urgent Medical Care

Urgent Medical Care