Family Dog Withholds Baby, Then Mom Sees Surprising Reason Why

Published on August 21, 2018

Determined To Save Khan

With the rest of the family watching in shock, Catherine grabbed the lifeless dog. She carried him away as another family member took baby Charlotte. As Catherine held Khan in her arms, Khan’s tongue hung out of his mouth and he gasped for air. Despite someone insisting it was far too late for Khan, Catherine did not give up.

Determined To Save Khan

Determined To Save Khan

Every Minute Counted

In hindsight, if the family waited any longer, it would have been all too obvious there was no hope for Khan. However, seeing him gasp for air still, Catherine had hope. She mustered all her strength to bring the large Doberman to her car and put him in the front. As she sped for the vet, she could hear his breathing slow. Through the panic, she maintained hope, but the following hours would determine whether he could survive.

Every Minute Counted

Every Minute Counted