Athletes That Were Once Rich But Lost It All

Published on August 3, 2020

Luther Elliss

Luther Elliss played as a defensive tackle for the Detroit Lions and the Denver Broncos. After his NFL career, Elliss went on to become a business investor, but he made some poor choices. He lost his fortune through a series of bad investments and eventually fell into debt from legal fees, credit card charges, and his children’s private school tuition.

Luther Elliss

Luther Elliss

Latrell Sprewell

Latrell Sprewell was a very talented basketball player but unfortunately will always be known for one particular incident, which involved him choking out his Golden State Warriors coach, PJ Carlesimo. He rejected a $21 million contract from the Timberwolves, saying it was not enough and famously lamented he had a “family to feed,” but just a year later, no team would sign him. He was later forced to sell his home and his yacht.

Latrell Sprewell

Latrell Sprewell