The Life of Natalie Wood

Published on February 8, 2018

Earlier Cruelties

Apparently, Natalie Wood did not have the most pleasant upbringing. Her parents were Russian immigrants, and sadly, her father was a drunk. Also her mom manipulated her in order to have a famous daughter. At an audition when Natalie was only seven, he mother detailed a horrific story of a boy who ripped of a live bird’s wings to make her cry.

Earlier Cruelties

Earlier Cruelties

Plagued By Insecurities

Even into her adulthood, many insecurities haunted the actress. Also, she reached an age where acting roles were not flowing in like they used to. Gavin Lambert, her biographer, wrote, “During the last two years of her life, they became fully awake, and the rest of the story is of addiction to painkillers and too much white wine out of frustration at a stalled career.”

Plagued By Insecurities

Plagued By Insecurities