Facts About “Indiana Jones” You Probably Didn’t Know

Published on February 12, 2018

Not Scripted

Perhaps, you remember the scene where Indy shoots that wild swordsman. Turns out, that was not planned at all. Rather, they made a last minute decision since Ford and the cast were struck with food poisoning that day. Ford felt too ill to act out the planned stunt and after failing a few attempts he came up with, “shooting the sucker.” Spielberg loved it and thus, we have the iconic moment!

Not Scripted

Not Scripted

Break From Star Wars

Remember that Bond idea Spielberg couldn’t shake? Well, he introduced it to George Lucas while Lucas was on vacation in Hawaii. As a habit, Lucas takes vacation just when his films are about to release to give himself some peace of mind. Just before Star Wars:Episode IV came out, he chose to relax in Hawaii. Once he heard that the project was projected to do well, he could discuss other ideas with Spielberg. While building a sand castle, Spielberg talked about his Bond fixation, but Lucas had a better idea: Raiders of the Lost Ark. Thus, after Hawaii the two met with Lawrence Kasdan to work on the script.

Break From Star Wars

Break From Star Wars