These Trees Will Cause Issues If Planted In The Backyard

Published on July 4, 2023

Silver Maple Trees

Silver maple trees are some of the most commonly found trees in North America. They can be found in many residential areas all around, but they need to be dealt with carefully. Their roots can be invasive and ruin sidewalks, cause damage to water lines, and rip through landscapes. They also take nutrients from other plants and take up a lot of physical space as well. They should only really be handled by experts.

Silver Maple Trees

Silver Maple Trees

Red Oak Trees

Also commonly found in North America, the red oak tree is even the state tree of New Jersey. They have gorgeous red leaves that give them their name, but they’re not a good option for yards. The reason is because they drop their leaves, small flowers, and catkins. They also attract bugs, fungi, and bacteria, so they’re not great for personal homes.

Red Oak Trees

Red Oak Trees