These Trees Will Cause Issues If Planted In The Backyard

Published on July 5, 2023

Mimosa Trees

Mimosa trees produce gorgeous leaves that make them very desirable. Native to the Middle East and China, they were brought Stateside and caused some trouble. They attract many types of insects like moths and webworms. Their seedling pods are quite large and fast to germinate, even in the winter, which means they can spread quickly.

Mimosa Trees

Mimosa Trees

Sweetgum Trees

Sweetgum trees are native to the southeastern area of the United States. These tall trees grow up to 75 feet and have beautifully colored leaves. However, their seedling pods are tough to remove, and their roots are invasive. Additionally, these trees attract many birds. If you have any other plants growing in your yard, avoid adding in Sweetgum trees.

Sweetgum Trees

Sweetgum Trees