These 50 Women Are an Inspiration to Us All

Published on January 22, 2020

A Refugee Success Story

She has had an incredible life already; Mozhdah Jamalzadah is a Canadian of Afghan origin, who had to flee Afghanistan with her family when she was just a child in order to escape the conditions there. While she was raised in Vancouver, Jamalzadah never lost touch with her roots, and wrote music in her native language. These songs were massively popular back in Afghanistan, and the stories were especially inspiring to the women of Afghanistan, many of whom live under especially difficult conditions.

Mozhdah Jamalzadah

Mozhdah Jamalzadah

This Star Does and Wears What She Wants

Despite being from the relatively liberal country of Lebanon, Haifa Wehbe has been met with some resistance in her home country due to her clothing and music. Some of the more conservative elements of the population there have criticized her for the way she dresses and performs, but Wehbe hasn’t let them get in the way of her success or changed the way she acts for them. She is a real champion of liberty.

Haifa Wehbe

Haifa Wehbe