Alan Shepard and Neil Armstrong are two names that are synonymous with American space exploration. They were pioneers in their field and went on to accomplish many great things. However, the Soviet Union had its own trailblazers. For example, Yuri Gagarin is known as the first human being to go into orbit.
Still, what if you were told that everyone isn’t convinced that his accomplishment was the first of them all. Many people actually believe that human space exploration’s history got off to a very dark start. Apparently, one early astronaut suffered a devastating fate, and it was all covered up!
Gaining an Edge
Gagarin was a role model for the USSR after he journeyed to the stars that first time. However, that’s not a surprise because his achievement was grand. By going into orbit, the 27-year-old cosmonaut allowed the Soviets to get an edge in the Space Race with America.

Gaining An Edge
Hearsay and Rumors
From the beginning, some people weren’t convinced that Gagarin had been the first person to orbit the Earth. Rumors started, claiming that someone else achieved the goal a few days before. They had entered orbit to successfully return to Earth, though he wasn’t in good health.

Hearsay And Rumors