These Are The World’s Smartest Dog Breeds According To A Canine Psychologist

Published on April 24, 2019

54. Greyhound

The Greyhound is known for its racing abilities. Due to a rise in adoption of retired racing Greyhounds, they are now considered to be popular family dogs. They have long and agile legs and can run up to 40 miles per hour! Despite their athletic abilities, they are very gentle dogs. These athletic dogs are also highly intelligent, and can outsmart their owners to get their way.



53. American Foxhound

The American Foxhound dog is aptly named, as it was developed from dogs that were brought to the US Colonies back in 1650. Even George Washington had a group of American Foxhounds. These sweet and loyal dogs are also quite intelligent and relatively easy to train, as they were historically trained to hunt foxes by scent.

American Foxhound

American Foxhound