These Are The World’s Smartest Dog Breeds According To A Canine Psychologist

Published on April 24, 2019

14. Collie

The Collie breed’s popularity peaked in 1943 after the release of the film Lassie. The movie showcased the breed’s high level of intelligence. Additionally, these dogs have a high level of emotional sophistication and can sense when their owners are in need. Therefore, they are a popular choice for assistance or therapy dogs.



13. Schipperke

The Schipperke is a Belgian dog breed that is considered to be a small shepherd dog. It is known for its double coat, which includes a soft undercoat that is covered with an outer coat that is longer and a bit harsher to the touch. They’re not only known for being very intelligent, but can sometimes tend to be a bit mischievous and stubborn.

