Saudi Arabia’s Royal Family Is Shaking Things Up In The Middle East

Published on June 26, 2018

Royal Rules

It isn’t easy being a royal, many rules are set in place for the family. One being: alcohol and drugs are forbidden. When a member of the family needs rehab, they often travel out of the country to seek help. There are rehabs that exist in Saudi Arabia for the royals, but they are unknown to the public, kept a big secret because of the known rule that doesn’t allow the family to drink or do drugs. It would be a huge issue if the public found out because if they can’t drink than why should the royals be able to?

Royal Rules

Royal Rules

Special Agreement

The Committee for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice is a religious police in Saudi Arabia. They patrol the streets and are in charge of making sure everyone is dressed the way they should be, and that men and women stay separated. An agreement between the police and the royal family exists, because the rules set for the citizens do not apply to the royals.

Special Agreement

Special Agreement