Saudi Arabia’s Royal Family Is Shaking Things Up In The Middle East

Published on June 26, 2018

Law Reverse

A law used to be in place stating that Saudi women could not work outside of the home. Men were shop owners and the employees at all stores…including lingerie shops! Saudi women felt very uncomfortable buying their under garments from men, pressuring King Abdullah to reverse the law. He did, in 2012, and men are now not allowed to work in lingerie shops throughout the entire country.

Law Reverse

Law Reverse

Standing Out

Sattam bin Abdul Aziz was the first to marry just one wife, and the first to hold a university degree from the United States. The founder, Ibn Saud was very proud of his son for his achievements. Sattam graduated from the University of San Diego in 1965 with a degree in Business Administration.

Standing Out

Standing Out