Mother Attends Her Son’s Wedding, Is Shocked To See Who The Bride Is

Published on March 21, 2023

They Believed

Maggie and Caleb put their faith to work, and believed that everything would work itself out in the end. They knew that no matter what, as long as they were married, things would be okay. Whether it was their prayers and good thoughts or the power of modern medicine (or the two!) Dwayne’s surgery was a success and he was recovering well. Amazingly, when Caleb called to see how Dwayne was doing a few days later, he told him that he had completely recovered and was able to work at their wedding!

They Believed

They Believed

Caleb’s Request

Once Dwayne shared the news with the couple, Caleb reached out to him on his own for a special request. Dwayne was so excited to hear about Caleb’s idea, especially since it was not a traditional wedding photo request. He immediately agreed, and the two hatched a plan to make Caleb’s request come to life.

Caleb's Request

Caleb’s Request