Mother Attends Her Son’s Wedding, Is Shocked To See Who The Bride Is

Published on March 21, 2023

Making It Official

Caleb knew that he had found the one he wanted to spend his life with, and it didn’t matter that they were so young. Caleb asked Maggie’s parents for permission to ask her to marry him, and of course they agreed. The day of the proposal finally came, and Maggie said yes! They were only 22, but they were excited to face life together.

Making It Official

Making It Official

Wedding Planning Stress

As their wedding day approached, the couple faced a lot of pressure from planning the big event. They were trying to balance wedding planning along with their busy careers. However, they were determined not to let it impact their relationship too much, and their shared faith helped them get through this stressful time. They believed that high powers were guiding their way.

Wedding Planning Stress

Wedding Planning Stress