One Homeless Man Discovers His True Identity at the Age of 67

Published on January 23, 2023

Final Attempt to Find Closure

Years went by, and the police couldn’t find Edgar, though they never gave up. Finally, they refocused the attention to 20 active cases in 2008. Sgt. Richard Dorling had met many of the families, and he wanted them all to have closure. Edgar’s case was among them.

Final Attempt to Find Closure

Final Attempt to Find Closure

Case Breakthrough

About 30 years had passed since the man went missing, and everyone knew it was a slim chance of finding him. However, people were speechless on February 10, 2016, when there was a breakthrough. Edgar was alive and well, living in St. Catharines, about 100 miles from where he was last seen.

Case Breakthrough

Case Breakthrough