These Hilarious Kids’ Drawings Give Away A Little Bit Too Much About Their Parents

Published on March 13, 2023

Science By Dad

While learning about the different states of matter, this child was able to identify that liquids include water, a lake, and that gasses include steam and air. However, they also identified that as a part of gasses, their dad could be included in this column. Yet another example of the fact that kids find farts absolutely hilarious.

Science By Dad

Science By Dad

Not Technically Wrong

While this test question was likely asking about six different animals that live specifically in the Arctic, we can’t help but say that we’re impressed by this kid’s clever answer of two polar bears and four seals. At least his math checks out, and it was a close call as we can see, but we wonder if the teacher gave him partial credit for this.

Not Technically Wrong

Not Technically Wrong