These Hilarious Kids’ Drawings Give Away A Little Bit Too Much About Their Parents

Published on March 13, 2023

A Serious Issue

This drawing that this child has drawn is quite telling. It seems like his parents have had a bit of a tiff, and maybe his mom has accidentally (we hope) driven into his dad while trying to drive away. Otherwise, it’s not really clear what has happened. We hope that all involved are okay.

A Serious Issue

A Serious Issue

Never Getting Married

We’re not sure what this child witnessed at home that they already have such a solidified opinion on the fact that they never want to get married, as well as that life on the recliner alone merits the phrase “this is the life.” You never know, this kid might continue feeling this way forever, or they might meet someone that changes their mind one day. Either way, as long as they’re making the decision for themselves.

Never Getting Married

Never Getting Married