These Hilarious Kids’ Drawings Give Away A Little Bit Too Much About Their Parents

Published on March 13, 2023

Miss Mac Is A Great Teacher

While it is absolutely wonderful that Miss Mac is such a great teacher that Nina felt that she wanted to write her a note about how much she loves her, it seems like if Nina’s mom read this note, it would be pretty painful to see that her child is thinking about the scenario in which she dies and is replaced by Miss Mac.

Miss Mac Is A Great Teacher

Miss Mac Is A Great Teacher

Taking Boy

This pictures is both very confusing and pretty horrifying. Who is this mysterious shadowy figure that this child has named “the taking boy.” Why was this mystery figure included in the family portrait, and why is he shrouded in darkness? Is he just a shadow, or something more sinister? We seriously hope that it’s nothing.

Talking Baby

Taking Boy