These Are The Most Notorious Groupies In Rock ‘n’ Roll History

Published on November 8, 2017


Of course, Pleather stands out on our list because he’s the only male. Though he was definitely the most notorious out of all the male groupies. Many wondered what Pleather wanted out of the rock star groupie scene. Despite the mystery around him, he stayed relevant on the LA scene from the 80s into 90s. Specifically, he followed Courtney Love, The Bangles and L7 closely. He even talked about the time he spent around Love when Des Barres interviewed him for a book.



Uschi Obermaier

This international model caught the eye of none other than Jimi Hendrix. Obermaier was living in West Berlin at the time when the two fell in love. Of course, her left-wing commune was very much into the rock ‘n’ roll lifestyle. Actually, if you check the movie Last Experience you can see a scene with Obermaier and Hendrix kissing outside of a hotel in West Berlin. Unlike most celebrities today who prefer privacy, Obermaier was very open about all of her relationships and played a large role in the sexual revolution. During 1975 when she toured with the Rolling Stones, she supposedly had affairs with Mick Jagger and also Keith Richards.

Uschi Obermaier

Uschi Obermaier