Grandfather Worked On His Granddaughter’s Gift For Years, Her Reaction Not What He Thought It’d Be

Published on March 24, 2019

Keeping Them Alive

The notebooks were dated from February 13, 2003, when Ren was still just two years old. This was the first time Ron decided to put his pen to paper as he feared that while he was having the time of his life, Ren would forget their adventures. Ron didn’t want a moment to go to waste.

Keeping Them Alive

Keeping Them Alive

Forgetting The Details

It appeared as though Ron’s efforts had been worth every minute as Ren admitted that she was too young to remember most of the days that she got to spend with her granddad all those years ago. The notebooks were the perfect way to remind her of all the fun.

Forgetting The Details

Forgetting The Details