Grandfather Worked On His Granddaughter’s Gift For Years, Her Reaction Not What He Thought It’d Be

Published on March 24, 2019

Enjoying The Gift

Although Ron had initially thought about handing over his gift when he was older, this grandfather realized that he would already by 72 years old by Ren’s 16th birthday. Handing it over now meant the pair had years to enjoy the present, and wouldn’t be a dark reminder for Ren after her granddad was gone.

Enjoying The Gift

Enjoying The Gift


Some of us have been lucky enough to grow up in multi-generational households meaning we often get to spend plenty of time with our grandparents. However, others are forced to stay in touch through technology or social media. Although Ren and Ron had grown a little distant, there was about to be a way for them to reconnect completely.

