Grandfather Worked On His Granddaughter’s Gift For Years, Her Reaction Not What He Thought It’d Be

Published on March 24, 2019

Crafting Memories

Although Ren was about to take her first steps toward freedom, it turned out that Ron had finished the gift many years before her celebrations. Ron had enjoyed many years of raising his granddaughter and had a closet full of memories thanks to their time together. It looked as though he had enjoyed every minute of it.

Crafting Memories

Crafting Memories

Holding On To Memories

However, while Ron was reliving all those good times, he began to panic that Ren might not remember them at all. They had spent so long building a relationship. What if Ren grew up and forgot all about their time together? Ron could soon see years of effort all disappear down the pan.

Holding On To Memories

Holding On To Memories