Family Dog Withholds Baby, Then Mom Sees Surprising Reason Why

Published on August 21, 2018

Finding Out About Khan

Now, Catherine had to find patience within herself as the vets did all they could. Of course, knowing experts were caring for Khan did not stop her from worrying. There was a sickness in the pit of her stomach as she hoped she wouldn’t lose a new member of the family. The vets returned to a pacing Catherine to update her on Khan. Immediately, Catherine ran to the vets with her endless questions.

Finding Out About Khan

Finding Out About Khan

Doctor’s Uncertainty

Sadly, all the vet could say was they were uncertain if Khan could survive this. He responded to Catherine with, “We don’t know yet, madam. We did what we could, but now his body has to fight the poison. The anti-venom will certainly help, but we don’t know to what extent. It’s best that you come back tomorrow morning.” Hearing this, her heart sank because she hoped for a little more positive news. Still, she hung onto hope for his survival.

Doctors Uncertainty

Doctor’s Uncertainty