Jessy and David were in a loving and committed relationship when they decided to start a family. When their daughter was born, suddenly, their dog Benji wouldn’t leave the baby’s side. They tried to separate the dog from the baby, but then she wouldn’t stop barking. After looking into the matter, David was stunned to figure out what was really going on.
The Police Showed Up
When the cops pulled up to the house, David was stunned. How had his dog realized what was going on until now? How had he, the baby’s father, not been able to see what the truth is?

The Police Showed Up
Questioning Begins
After the police showed up on the scene, they all immediately began to ask questions. They questioned both Jessy and David, who were both still in a state of shock. They couldn’t believe just how serious the situation was, but it was finally starting to sink in.

Questioning Begins