Doctor is Shocked By What He Saw When a Mother Gave Birth to Triplets

Published on May 1, 2022

Cynthia Was Unhappy

Cynthia wasn’t happy. Something was off between Johnny and her, and she no longer felt the same about him. However, she wasn’t quite sure that she wanted a divorce. Instead, she started enjoying the company of a couple of men from her job.

Cynthia Was Unhappy

Cynthia Was Unhappy

Cynthia Had Another Feeling, Too

As Cynthia processed those feelings, another one came over her, too — nausea. She felt achy and weak and constantly seemed on the verge of vomiting. The stomach flu was going around, so she made an appointment with her doctor.

Cynthia Had Another Feeling, Too

Cynthia Had Another Feeling, Too