If You’ve Got Some of These Common Items, You Could See a Huge Payday

Published on August 17, 2022

Rocking Chair

Rocking chairs were popular furniture items in the 1700s. They helped you relax and lull the baby to sleep, but you might wake up fast when you learn how much they’re worth. If you have one from the ’50s to ’70s, they might reach $5,000 or more!

Rocking Chair

Rocking Chair

Boom Boxes

Boom boxes were popular in the ’80s because they had technology that let you have portable music. Now, there are many different methods, so boom boxes are novelty items and expensive. The Sharp GF-999 sold for $3,000 on eBay, and the 1988 Lasonic TRC-975 went for $8,250!

Boom Boxes

Boom Boxes