Are These Colleges Worth The Tuition? Looking At The Long Term ROIs

Published on August 21, 2023

Campbellsville University

Nestled in Kentucky, Campbellsville University boasts a scenic campus adjacent to the man-made reservoir Green Lake. Celebrated for its colleges of music, art, and education, the 20-year ROI takes a hit at -$76,800, reflecting a four-year degree expense of approximately $143,000.

Campbellsville University

Campbellsville University

Talladega College

Talladega College in Alabama has roots tracing back to its beginnings as a Baptist academy before it was transformed into a university by a governor’s acquisition. The renowned Talladega College Tornado Marching Band shines on the national stage. Despite a four-year degree’s cost of about $88,200, the 20-year ROI slumps to -$156,900, raising concerns over its fiscal prudence.

Talladega College

Talladega College