Are These Colleges Worth The Tuition? Looking At The Long Term ROIs

Published on August 23, 2023

Voorhees College

Situated in Denmark, South Carolina, Voorhees College might evoke thoughts of a distant country, yet it resides in a modest town of approximately 3,000 inhabitants, with 600 being Voorhees students. With a graduation rate of 26% and a 20-year ROI plummeting to -$153,400, the initial investment of $97,000 may not hold the promised value.

Voorhees College

Voorhees College

Paine College

Paine College boasts a notable legacy, counting John Wesley Gilbert, the pioneering African American archaeologist of 1886, among its alumni. Unfortunately, Paine suffered accreditation issues in 2016 by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools, leaving it with a distressing graduation rate of 20%. Despite the $97,500 expenditure for a four-year degree, the 20-year ROI remains in the red at -$94,700.

Paine College

Paine College