These Are The Collector’s Items With The Highest Value

Published on September 12, 2022

Patek Philippe Grandmaster Chime Watch

Considered to be one of the most complicated wristwatches that Patek Phillippe has come out with, the Grandmaster Chrime Watch is worth over $30 million. There have only been 7 created and one of them is on display at the Patek Philippe Museum that’s located in Geneva, Switzerland.

Patek Philippe Grandmaster Chime Watch

Patek Philippe Grandmaster Chime Watch

“Inverted Jenny” Stamp

Also called the “Upside Down Jenny” or the “Jenny Invert,” this stamp is a 24 cent stamp from USPS that dates back to 1918. It shows a Curtiss JN-4 airplane that was accidentally printed upside down. Just one pane of 100 stamps has been found, making it a very rare stamp. One of these stamps was sold in 2018 for $1.593 million.

Inverted Jenny Stamp

Inverted Jenny Stamp