Sarah Cudd worked extremely hard to push up through the ranks and make Army Captain. She truly enjoyed the work she did on the Fort Knox base in Kentucky. Part of her training required the then 29-year-old female to join the rest of the soldiers to perform a Public Health Command challenge, which was very strenuous. Since Cudd was in good physical condition, she didn’t think anything of it.
However, just a few feet away from that finish line, Sarah fell down to the ground. Lying on the dusty track, she curled into a ball and was shocked at what her companions did. They wouldn’t have her quit like that, and someone recorded what happened!
The Grueling Physical Test
Sarah Cudd went with the rest of the soldiers to complete a challenging test, which was necessary to get their Expert Field Medical Badges. This was a prestigious award given to military personnel who passed various written and physical challenges!

The Grueling Physical Test
Down for the Count
Before setting out to achieve the honor, Cudd realized it would be hard to do. The pass rate was only 17 percent! That figure likely crossed her mind when she hit the ground!

Down For The Count