After Raising Baby with a Strict Diet, Mom’s Results Might Surprise You

Published on December 28, 2022

Not Necessarily Healthy

Though cavemen had a healthy daily diet, there are other aspects of that lifestyle that people overlook. They had many problems that were out of their control, such as disease and parasites. This diet style isn’t enough to prove they were healthier than modern people. Plus, it cuts legumes, grains, and dairy, so how did Shannon make this work for her baby?

Not Necessarily Healthy

Not Necessarily Healthy

Wanted Her Baby to Feel Good

Shannon had been on the diet for many years before having Grace and felt amazing. As a new mom, she wanted her daughter to feel like that. Her decision still raised tons of questions. It might be healthy for adults, but what about kids? Though Shannon used her intuition, doctors still gave unsolicited opinions.

Wanted Her Baby To Feel Good

Wanted Her Baby To Feel Good