Europeans Share Which “American Problems” They Don’t Understand

Published on May 19, 2020

Huge Coffee, To Go

In many European countries, drinking coffee is a sacred daily ritual. Whether in the morning before work, or in the afternoon as a midday break, many Europeans will take a relaxed break to drink a small coffee and catch up with friends or colleagues. Therefore, it’s baffling for many non-Americans to see Americans guzzling a venti-sized coffee while power-walking to the office.

Huge Coffee, To Go

Huge Coffee, To Go

The Doggy Bag

In the United States, huge portion sizes are quite normal, which means many people will take their leftovers in a to-go box and have it for another meal. In many other countries, this is not customary at all, and in many places this is even considered bizarre and rude. However, many Americans argue that taking doggy bags is a good way to avoid food waste, which is a good point.

The Doggy Bag

The Doggy Bag