Europeans Share Which “American Problems” They Don’t Understand

Published on May 19, 2020

So Many Commercials

One Reddit user, WhatWouldTylerDo, pointed out the frequency of ads shown during TV shows. He said: “I love America. But the one thing I hate is the placement of commercials on TV. It might be only for certain channels, but for a 30-minute show, there will be about four commercial breaks. And not even evenly spaced. Including one before the credits at the end of a show. Then it’ll jump straight from the credits to the next show.”

So Many Commercials

So Many Commercials

Never-Ending Free Refills

This is either a good thing or a bad thing, depending on who you ask, but in the United States it is not only common but often expected for fining establishments to provide free refills of drinks ordered (excluding alcoholic beverages). Many other countries do not follow this, and France has even banned unlimited refills altogether.

Never Ending Free Refills

Never Ending Free Refills