Europeans Share Which “American Problems” They Don’t Understand

Published on May 19, 2020

Violence vs. Vulgarity

In the U.S., vulgarity is taken very seriously, meaning that swear words are bleeped out of TV shows, films shown on TV, and songs on the radio. However, on the very same programs, uncensored and often extreme violence is shown. Many Europeans can’t understand why vulgarity is censored much more than violence in the United States, which they think can normalize violence in the culture.

Violence Vs. Vulgarity

Violence Vs. Vulgarity

Idolizing Politicians

A lot of Europeans don’t understand why a lot of Americans tend to idolize politicians in a manner similar to idolizing celebrities. Most Europeans think of their politicians as what they are, public servants. While this may be the norm in Europe, in the United States, everything is highly commercialized, including politics.

Idolizing Politicians

Idolizing Politicians