You Probably Never Noticed These Adult Jokes Hidden In Kids’ Movies & TV Shows

Published on December 20, 2021

The Black Cauldron

The 1980’s Disney film The Black Cauldron was not initially successful but became a cult classic thanks to its many jokes meant for adults. For example, in one scene Fflewddur Fflam asks a man: “You don’t mind if I pluck ya harp, do ya handsome?” Of course, he is actually holding a harp, but this is definitely quite suggestive.

The Black Cauldron

The Black Cauldron

The Little Rascals

This one particular scene in The Little Rascals certainly raises some eyebrows, since these are kids that are involved. Alfalfa kisses Darla, and right after, Alfalfa’s hair stands upright. Of course, this won’t mean much to kids watching, but adults will certainly understand.

The Little Rascals

The Little Rascals